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useTheme composable

The useTheme composable provides functions to configure the theme.

You can use the useTheme composable to configure the theme in your .vitepress/theme/index.js file, or in any .md page/file.

import { useTheme, locales } from 'vitepress-openapi/client'

export default {
    async enhanceApp({app, router, siteData}) {
            requestBody: {
                // Set the default schema view.
                defaultView: 'schema', // schema or contentType
            jsonViewer: {
                // Set the JSON viewer depth.
                deep: Infinity,
            schemaViewer: {
                // Set the schema viewer depth.
                deep: Infinity,
            // Set the heading levels.
            headingLevels: {
                h1: 1,
                h2: 2,
                h3: 3,
                h4: 4,
                h5: 5,
                h6: 6,
            response: {
                // Set the response code selector.
                codeSelector: 'tabs', // tabs or select
                // Set the maximum number of tabs, after which a Select will be shown.
                codeMaxTabs: 5,
                body: {
                    // Set the default view.
                    defaultView: 'schema', // schema or contentType
            playground: {
                jsonEditor: {
                    // Set the mode of the JSON editor.
                    mode: 'tree', // text, tree, or table
                    // Set the visibility of the main menu bar.
                    mainMenuBar: false,
                    // Set the visibility of the navigation bar.
                    navigationBar: false,
            operation: {
                // Set the operation badges. The order is respected.
                badges: ['deprecated'],
                // Slots to render in the OAOperation component.
                slots: [
                // Slots to hide in the OAOperation component.
                hiddenSlots: [],
                // Set the number of columns to use in the OAOperation component.
                cols: 2,
                // Set the default base URL.
                defaultBaseUrl: 'http://localhost',
                // Set a custom function to get servers for an operation.
                getServers: ({ method, path, operation }) => string[],
            // Set the i18n configuration.
            i18n: {
                locale: 'en', // en | es | pt-BR | string
                fallbackLocale: 'en', // en | es | pt-BR | string
                messages: {
                    en: {
                        'operation.badgePrefix.operationId': 'Operation ID',
                    es: {
                        'operation.badgePrefix.operationId': 'ID de operación',
                availableLocales: [
                    { code: 'en', label: 'English' },
                    { code: 'es', label: 'Español' },
                    { code: 'pt-BR', label: 'Português (Brasil)' },
            // Set spec configuration.
            spec: {
                groupByTags: true, // Group paths by tags.
                collapsePaths: false, // Collapse paths when grouping by tags.
                showPathsSummary: true, // Show a summary of the paths when grouping by tags.
                avoidCirculars: false, // Avoid circular references when parsing schemas.
                lazyRendering: false, // Lazy render Paths and Tags components.
                defaultTag: 'Default', // Default tag to use when a path has no tags.
                wrapExamples: true, // Wrap examples in a row or show them in a column.

Schema Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setShowBaseURLSets whether the base URL is shown.truetrue, false

Request Body Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setRequestBodyDefaultViewSets the default schema view.'schema''schema', 'contentType'

JSON Viewer Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setJsonViewerDeepSets the JSON viewer depth.Infinitynumber

Schema Viewer Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setSchemaViewerDeepSets the schema viewer depth.Infinitynumber

Heading Levels Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setHeadingLevelsSets the heading levels.{ h1: 1, h2: 2, h3: 3, h4: 4, h5: 5, h6: 6 }{ h1: number, h2: number, h3: number, h4: number, h5: number, h6: number }

Response Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setResponseCodeSelectorSets the response code selector.'tabs''tabs', 'select'
setResponseCodeMaxTabsSets the maximum number of tabs, after which a Select will be shown.5number
setResponseBodyDefaultViewSets the default view of the response body.'schema''schema', 'contentType'

Playground JSON Editor Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setPlaygroundJsonEditorModeSets the mode of the JSON editor.'tree''text', 'tree', 'table'
setPlaygroundJsonEditorMainMenuBarSets the visibility of the main menu bar.falsetrue, false
setPlaygroundJsonEditorNavigationBarSets the visibility of the navigation bar.falsetrue, false

Operation Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setOperationBadgesSets the operation badges. The order is respected.['deprecated']['deprecated', 'operationId']
setOperationDefaultBaseUrlSets the default base URL.'http://localhost'string

I18n Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setI18nConfigSets the i18n configuration.{ locale: 'en', fallbackLocale: 'en', messages: locales }{ locale: 'es' | 'en' | 'pt-BR' | string, fallbackLocale: 'es' | 'en' | 'pt-BR' | string, messages: Record<'es' | 'en', Record<string, Record<string, string>>> }

Spec Configuration

FunctionDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
setSpecConfigSets the spec configuration.{ groupByTags: true, collapsePaths: false, showPathsSummary: true, avoidCirculars: false, lazyRendering: false, defaultTag: 'Default', wrapExamples: true }{ groupByTags: boolean, collapsePaths: boolean, showPathsSummary: boolean, avoidCirculars: boolean, lazyRendering: boolean, defaultTag: string, wrapExamples: boolean }